We do not learn from experiences. We learn from reflecting on experiences.
John Dewey
This page intends to list the mistakes I’ve made in my life. How they have affected me and the life quality of my social circle. Mistakes I want to reflect on in order to be not repeated ever again. I like to think of my mistakes as valuable experiences that, once I’ve learned my lesson, will positively influence my future behavior.
With every single mistake I’ll also write down the learnings and what specific actions to take in order to not be repeated again.
Not having furnished my apartment properly after 2,5 years
Not having an overview system of my finances in place
Other pages, that my proof useful for learning from mistakes:
- https://barkleypd.com/blog/reflecting-to-learn-from-mistakes/
- https://daringtolivefully.com/learn-from-your-mistakes
- https://rdene915.com/2017/10/17/why-we-need-to-reflect-learning-from-our-mistakes/