Writing down your important problems and keeping them “Top of mind” has the power to change your world forever.
That’s the big idea behind the 12 Favorite Problems Method, conceptualized by the Nobel-prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman.
In this article you’ll find:
You have to keep a dozen of your favorite problems constantly present in your mind.
Richard Feynman
My 12 Favorite Problems
- What is the best way to monetize my curiosity and need for progress?
- How can I create a business entity that operates independently and generates revenue without requiring my constant time and attention?
- What is the best way to organize and structure my private and business life to be calm, productive and happy with my current state and progress?
- How do I have to structure Workflowy to make it both my Second Brain and Content Output Machine?
- How do I successfully move myself and others from a state of information consumption to a state of implementation and production?
- How can I find more joy in doing nothing?
- What will the future of Searching for Information look like? And how can I take part in creating that future?
- What do I have to do to be a great friend/son/brother/partner?
- How do I balance my need for social connection and solitude?
- How can I change my feelings towards money from fear and anxiety to confidence, abundance, and playfulness?
- What does a healthy relationship with technology look like in my private and business life? (Conscious Computing)
- What exercise and nutrition regimen is most sustainable for long-term results? One that feels easy yet produces tangible results.
- How can I either escape the status hierarchy or find more joy in buying fashion? To I like myself for the way I look, without feeling judged by others.
Every time you hear or read a new trick or new result, test it against each of your 12 problems to see if it helps.
Richard Feynman
The value of the 12 Favorite Problems Method
Top of Mind – Keep the Problems Constantly Present
The thing is this: I am very forgetful. Humans are very forgetful.
Forgetfulness is one of the main reasons we fail at building new habits, reaching our goals, finding solutions to our problems, and sticking to our decisions.
Not because we don’t want to or because we lack motivation but simply because we forget.
By taking the time to think honestly about what we need to know or want to achieve and condensing all these current problems and questions into a list of 12 items, you can reflect, prioritize, and keep things at the forefront.
Keep everything Top of Mind.
The alternative would be to start with obvious necessary actions once or twice before forgetting, calling yourself a failure, only to start – at a later time – all over again.
So, the first step is to do the work, write it down, and constantly keep things Top Of Mind. This is how you make long-term progress and truly move forward.
Following Curiosity – Build Connections and Seek Solutions
The second – just as valuable lesson – presents itself by making them public. By sharing your problems with the world.
This creates the opportunity for others to chime in, connect with you, and share a journey toward salvation.
I truly believe the world would be a better place if we would all share and talk about our 12 favorite problems when we meet someone knew. It allows for your passions to show, for interests to connect, and for new bonds to form.
So instead of asking: “What do you do for a living?”, ask: “What problems do you currently ponder about? What things would you like to achieve or problems to solve in your life time?”
Which brings us to why I’ve created the following Website.
The Website https://favoriteproblems.com/ aims for everybody to share and publish their favorite problems. So we can unite our attention and efforts on what WE want to know and thereby truly move the world forward.
To learn more about and/or participate, please have a look at this video:
![The Feynman Technique - 12 questions to change your life [+Add yours]](https://bernardzitzer.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-youtube-lyte/lyteCache.php?origThumbUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2Fx3aZWs-ZLkw%2F0.jpg)
![The Feynman Technique - 12 questions to change your life [+Add yours]](https://bernardzitzer.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-youtube-lyte/lyteCache.php?origThumbUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2Fx3aZWs-ZLkw%2F0.jpg)
Watch this video on YouTube
All you need is a Workflowy Account and a bit of time. Here’s the guideline.
Feel free to publish your social links and reach out to others with similar problems and interests. And Bam! You’re now participating in moving your own life and thereby moving the whole world a step forward.
That’s it.
Others using the 12 Favorite Problems Method
- https://joebalcom.blog/12-favorite-problems/
- https://stephenlongo.com/writing/my-12-favorite-problems
- https://www.melissamenke.com/notes/12-favorite-problems
- https://sunilsuri.com/12favouriteproblems